
Virtual machine for mac to run windows
Virtual machine for mac to run windows

One web site ( actually offered prize money, based on contributions to the site, for the first person to achieve this goal. Ever since the release of the first Intel Mac, back in January, enthusiasts have been trying to figure out how to boot Windows XP on a Mac. Hell has a habit of freezing over on a fairly regular basis for the Mac community, and while the frost had been thawing nicely after users realised that the Intel-based Macs were still Macs after all, on April 5th Apple released a free public beta version of some new software called Boot Camp, which previews technology that will be released with the next major version of Mac OS X. However, that's not to say Apple haven't been causing a stir this month.

virtual machine for mac to run windows

While there were expectations that Apple would make something of this anniversary with a product announcement, the Friday and Monday either side of Saturday 1st April 2006 passed without celebrations (or revelations) from Cupertino. In addition to being April Fool's day, this year's April 1st also marked the 30th anniversary of Steve Jobs' and Steve Wozniak's founding of Apple Computer. This month we investigate the possibilities of running Windows on an Intel-based Mac and discuss why you might want to.

virtual machine for mac to run windows virtual machine for mac to run windows

News of Apple allowing Mac users to run Windows on their Macs might sound like an April Fool - but it turned out to be anything but a hoax. The public beta of Boot Camp, which allows an Intel Mac to run Windows XP, is now available, and its technology will be incorporated into the next major version of OS X, Leopard.

Virtual machine for mac to run windows