
Kotlin type any
Kotlin type any

In data class, you can easily create a copy of an object with the help of the copy() function. Now, you will understand the copy() function. So when you print the object p, the output would be as follows. Here you have used the data class, and you know the data class contains the toString() function, which will convert the object to a string. Now, go ahead and have a look at its example. The syntax of the output will be in a particular format. The toString() function converts the object to a string and prints the string representation of the object. The data class has the toString() function, which can display the object's data just by printing the reference of the class.

kotlin type any

The data class includes some inbuilt functions, and due to these functions, you don’t need to write the boiler plate code. Now, have a look at the Functions of Kotlin data class. The data class can extend other classes and can implement the interface.The data class cannot be abstract, sealed, or open.The parameter of the primary constructor must be val or var.The primary constructor must have at least one parameter.You need to take care of some requirements while creating a data class. Now, go ahead and understand the requirement for the Kotlin data class. Its syntax includes the data keyword with class.

kotlin type any

The compiler automatically generates all the getter and setter for all the data class properties.

kotlin type any

With the help of the data class, you don’t need to write the boiler plate code. This data class contains some utility functions that are often derivable from the data. The data class in Kotlin is used to hold the data.

Kotlin type any